
Mobility - Symbolic Structure

In some cases around the world architectural implementations have been attached to parliament to indicate to the people control / purity of a government. An infamous case is the Reichtag in Berlin. Obviously Germany's history of corruption and slaughter is one of the most rememberd of our time, this could be because of it's recency to current time or purely because of the richness in  unethical behaviour behind it.

Below is a sketch of how Reichtag works. Atop the Parliament house in Berlin is a Glass dome fitted with a teared mirror chandelier that leads down into the mane chamber of parliament. The symbolic nature of this architectural add on is of the highest importance. It indicates to the people of Germany that there desires / thoughts / needs as a nation are being 'reflected' into parliament. It also is a representation of purity within the  current Parliament and allows the secretive 'barriers' between government and citizens to be errased.

_Just a thought: Creating a mobile structure that attaches itself to different parliaments world wide to indicate to there respective nation that change / purity is occurring.

Much like the Flag flying high above Buckingham palace indicates to its people that the queen is home this mobile additive is a means of communication between parliament and citizens.

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